Friday, April 8, 2011

The Great Textbook Sellback

CU Students -- are you dreaming of summer?

In this last month of the semester, perhaps you're already wondering what to do with your textbooks. After all, you probably want to sell them back and get the best price for them, right?

Cue the CU Book Store's Great Textbook Sellback... See the poster to the left or this link for full details!

Starting on April 25th and running through May 11 at a variety of convenient locations including the CU Book Store, Coors Event Center, Sterns Central, and Folsom Field (dates and times for these locations vary, please see poster or website for full details).

You can visit our website,, to check what your book is worth. We guarantee that we'll match or beat any competing price!*

We also encourage you to watch the video below for the full scoop on what determines what your book is worth and what it costs!

* For any store physically within a 1mile radius.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Fun

Congratulations, students, you made it to Spring Break! One week of freedom (or time to catch up on homework, depending on how you look at it) and then it's back at it for the final stretch of the school year.

If you're graduating in May, you're almost there! We hope you attended the CU Book Store's Grad Fair and wish you all the best with your final month of college.

Whether you're traveling home or somewhere more exotic -- or staying in Boulder -- we hope you have a safe and fun Spring Break. The oh-so-wonderful Ralphie over at the CU Student Life website has some great tips if you don't know what to do with your time off! Check them out here:

Because there's been a lot of sad news coming out of Japan, I want to encourage you to help out, if possible, by donating to the Red Cross... if you text "REDCROSS" to 90999, you will donate $10 to affect those dealing with the aftermath of last week's earthquake and tsunami. 

Of course, we want to leave you on a happy note. In honor of the week off, we thought we'd hit you with a little bit of Friday Fun... something to make you laugh! How about a cute baby? Everyone loves those! Here's one who doesn't know what to make of his mom blowing her nose. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fall Registration

It's almost time for fall registration for CU students continuing with their studies next year.

Registration dates begin on March 28th for all students -- that's the day we get back from Spring Break -- and continue on from there. When you register typically depends on how many credits you have completed.

Finding your registration date can be a little tricky, but we're here to help! To view your registration date, first sign into MyCUInfo. Navigate to the "Student" tab. One of the first options you see should be "Register for Classes" -- click that. In the right blue column, you'll see something that says "Enrollment Dates" and within that box, an option to click "details." Your summer registration dates will be listed here if you want to enroll in any summer classes. Otherwise, click the green "Change term" button and make it "Fall 2011." When the page reloads, you should see your date under "Appointment Begins."

You probably want to plan ahead what courses you'd like... Course options are now listed on the MyCUInfo portal. You can search based on a department, like ENGL, or also a Core Requirement. Add courses to your shopping cart to have them handy when it comes time to register -- but remember, doing so doesn't actually register you for classes.

If you want to talk to your advisor before your register, don't hesitate to set an appointment at Appointments will disappear before you know it, as this is a busy time of year for all advisors. Their walk-in hours are typically for generic questions -- not something that would require them to be familiar with your specific needs or plans.

Your Degree Audit can also be a great resource to see what unfulfilled requirements you may want to get out of the way this fall. That can be found in MyCUInfo.

Here's a little tip for getting organized... use a calendar software like Google Calendars or Apple's iCal. Enter any and all classes you're considering taking in one week, even if they overlap. Then, on the next week, lay out one possible class schedule. Try a different arrangement in yet another week. See if you can fit all the classes you NEED first, then arrange some electives if applicable. Take into consideration if you'd like a day off, what classes are offered multiple times, when you'd be able to take a break for lunch, if you're an early riser, etc! This can be a great way to start to visualize what your fall semester will be like before your registration slot.

To any students reading this blog post, what's an unusual elective class you'd like to take this fall? How about the film class on "Hollywood Musicals," or the Classics "Greek Mythology" -- What potentially unknown classes have you taken in the past? We'd love to hear about it!

We at the CU Book Store wish everyone the best of luck with fall registration, and hope you'll visit us soon, whether your need textbooks in the fall, a blue book to get you through that midterm this semester, a quick break to snag a magazine or fun book, or anything else!

CU Bookstore: Tradition Starts Here. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Snowy days in Boulder

Though it's been unusually warm lately, there's sure to be more snow before long (in fact, it's a possibility in the forecast for this Sunday), so I thought I'd take a moment to talk about this winter.

Back at the end of December, we'd only seen the slightest hint of snowflakes. In fact, it was estimated that we only received 3.1 inches of snow in all of September, October, November, and December... until one storm after Christmas, that dropped 6 inches. Had it not been for this last storm, we would have made it in the record books. If you're interested, you can check out recorded snowfalls from past months and years here. A storm in early January -- just in time for the start of the new semester -- nearly doubled our snow totals from October-December in 2010.

On top of the multiple snowstorms we've walked through to get to class so far this semester, we also faced frigid and subzero temperatures over multiple days and weeks. Amazingly, back on February 7th, the temperature was 40 degrees at 5pm, but by that same time Tuesday, it was only 3 degrees! Interestingly, this won't be a record because of a technicality in the way official records are measured... the day will go down in the 40s!

Also worth noting from this winter is a new law regarding shoveling snow off public sidewalks. If you happen to live off-campus and this applies to you, the new rule says that you must shovel 24 hours after the storm stops. The city names the stop time for the storm and "due date" for shoveling, so keep an eye on to know when to get your sidewalks clear. Not shoveling can result in a $100 fine the first offense (and then $500 for a second offense in two years, and $1000 after that!)

Well, that's it from me. I'm certainly looking forward to the coming of Spring, but if we do get more snow, I hope you stay warm!

Friday, February 4, 2011


I'd like to welcome you to the newly redesigned CU Book Store Blog. My name is Laura, and I'll be your blogger for this evening. I started writing this blog in my freshman year of college, in order to document the experience of being a new CU student. Now, I've been asked to continue this project, but in a slightly different way. After all, I'm not a freshman any more.

I'll be changing what I talk about here. Rather than documenting my own experience, I'll be looking for things to share that all CU students -- and even prospective students and parents -- will find useful. From information about what's fun in Boulder or on campus to profiles of fellow students and interesting classes, I hope you'll find something to enjoy here.

If there's anything you'd like to see covered, leave me a comment, I'll do my best to write about it.