Monday, June 22, 2009

Goodbye high school...

Even though it’s nearly a month since I became a high school graduate, every now and then I get the urge to leap out of my chair and shout ‘SHAZAM - I’M DONE!’ This is largely because the knowledge that I have finished high school keeps hitting me in waves of realization, almost on a daily basis. I keep wondering how I can be done with such a large chunk of school, of time, of life!

More specifically, where did the time go? I keep asking myself whether the time passed quickly or sluggishly… and I’ve found that this question is difficult to answer. I definitely remember the months of class, homework, tests, and lunch periods, and how they would seem to stretch on endlessly. But now, looking back, the past four years are starting to seem like a blur that came and went with a few blinks, some sleep deprivation, and a bit of studying.

On top of all this, the end of my year was particularly crazy, something I know contributes to these feelings. The last few months of school were a mad time of staring longingly through windows at sunny days and crazily cramming several years’ worth of material for exams into my already-filled brain. I’m starting to wonder if this stretch of time simply disappeared into some sort of vacuum… perhaps a black hole? I really have no idea what happened to the entirety of May and most of April.

And then there’s the fact that I did not graduate. I mean, I have a diploma sitting next to my desk and have technically completed high school, but I did not attend my school’s graduation ceremony, did not wear a cap and gown, and did not do the weird little flip-the-tassel exercise. The decision behind missing my graduation is complex and already known by many of my close friends, but in a nutshell, an event that I dearly wanted to attend happened to be scheduled for the same weekend as graduation and I chose a trip to Boston over a walk across a fancy stage.

Having said this, I suppose it’s no wonder that I feel like high school never really ended; there are clearly plenty of reasons. And, yet, at the same time, it seems that the high school part of my schooling actually ended months ago - back when I made my decision to attend CU. As soon as a deposit was mailed off to one school, and letters saying “Will not be attending” were mailed off to others, in all reality, one foot was already out of the high school door.

Going along with this notion, I want to share a fairly interesting phenomenon that I have been a part of recently. In the days when social networking programs were rarely used… or non-existent, I imagine you began your first day of college surrounded by a great number of strangers. Perhaps you had friends who were attending the same school, but it was probably rare that you had very many acquaintances before Day One of the college experience. However, the world being as it is now, this is certainly not the case anymore.

In a moment of procrastination before school ended, I logged on to Facebook and decided to search “CU: Class of 2013” for any group I could find. Let me tell you, I certainly found what I was looking for, a group of hundreds of students-to-be, all excited to meet each other. Since that time, I have founded a group for my dorm and started meeting dozens of people who will be my classmates next year. I’ve spoken with my roommates, people in the same programs as I, and people who have similar interests or hobbies. I’ve already met two wonderful people in person when they happened to be in town, and have plans to meet two more. When I show up at CU on move-in day, or even for orientation, I will already know a fair few of the faces around me. And, with such a BIG step in my life coming up, I’m willing to take any help I can get to make it easier.

In all, I hope I have made two points clear in this amalgamation of thoughts: First off, if you’re a recently-graduated-high-school-student who saw the end coming, mazal tov. If, however, you’re like me, still reeling from the shock of such a huge part of your life suddenly becoming history, you’re not alone. The summer provides a nice adjustment period that I am sure many of us will be using fully. Oh, and second, if you’re about to enter college (at CU or not), try using some of the internet’s lovely tools and start meeting people now. I can’t even begin to explain how it will change your way of thinking about your upcoming future.



P.S. I still love comments! If you have any thoughts on ending high school, starting college, or transitioning into something new, please let me know.

This blog sponsored by the CU Book Store.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Hello, ladies and gents! You are here to witness the beginning of an exciting project that is very close to my heart. Over the next 12 months, I will be giving you a peek into my life as a freshman at the University of Colorado at Boulder (aka CU). You'll have the opportunity to read about my preparations this summer, the difficulties I face and overcome this fall, and the experience I gain during the year. Whether you are a CU alumnus feeling nostalgic, an aspiring or current student looking to learn more, or a parent interested in this fabulous school for your child, I hope I can enlighten and entertain in the months to come.

First thing's first... Who am I? My name is Laura. I have lived in Boulder, Colorado for my entire life to date. In my humble opinion, there really isn't a better place to be. For my time at CU, I plan to study film. I will be participating in the Norlin Scholars and Kittredge Honors Program.

My interests can be seen in my intended courses of study and in this project. I am an avid film aficionado, and am particularly interested in all the people and hours of work that go into a two-hour masterpiece on the silver screen. I also have a deep and long-lasting love for books. For all that the television can enchant, nothing else in my view can match the magic of a well-loved novel. Finally, I am very interested in technological trends. I will defend Apple Computers over PCs to my dying breath and love trying out the latest gadget on the market. I am involved in many of the latest developments online and love getting to know people on social networking sites. In a combination of two of my greatest interests, I am a zealous member of the Harry Potter fandom, particularly centered around my role as a staff member on The Leaky Cauldron (, one of the largest and best-known sites for discussion and news about the Harry Potter books and films.

Because short and sweet is always nice, I’ll wrap this up, but I want to spend one moment talking about how I think this project will go. First off, let me say that I absolutely love to know who is reading my work, so please leave comments, specific questions, or any suggestions if you have them. Over the next few months, I hope to give you an explanation of how and why I chose CU, to explain some of the reasons why I love Boulder, to tell you what I'm looking forward to in college, and to outline what I'm nervous about with this big change. I'll also keep you updated on registering for classes, orientation, buying dorm materials, meeting new people, and counting down the days until I move in on August 20th!

I hope you'll follow me throughout this process. College is an exciting time, but it has been made even more so for me by this opportunity to journal about it here, for the world to see. And, with that, I bid you all a happy start to June. Stay cool!


This blog sponsored by the CU Book Store.