Tuesday, August 18, 2009

T minus 10 and counting...

Well, this is it, the time has come. I move into my dorm tomorrow and can hardly believe it. While it seems like the summer has flown by, that back-to-school feeling is finally in the air. BVSD, the local school district, has started, and some freshman have already moved in to CU dorms. I wanted to tell you all that my excitement for college has been growing lately. I was recently out of town on a family trip, and after being asked a great number of times "So, are you excited for college?" I realized that my answer is a resounding YES.

I had a great experience the other day regarding all of this. I'm a fan of the social networking site Twitter, and not only use it to communicate with friends, follow services (like the CU Book Store - check them out here), but to also follow authors, actors, directors, and other well-known individuals whom I admire. One of these individuals is an author by the name of Sarah MacLean. I discovered MacLean's twitter after greatly enjoying her book The Season, and have found her to be extremely accessible and friendly. I replied to one of her tweets about back to school, asking how she remembers feeling when she was college. I didn't fully expect an answer, but I was wonderfully surprised when I got some great advice. She replied to me that starting college was "terrifying," but that a week in, she loved it. She added that she met her best friend on the first day, and that I should tell her how I end up feeling after a week of school.

This was followed by another conversation that only seemed to reinforce the same message. I was talking with a younger friend who is starting high school, who was also regarding it as scary and even unwelcome. Quite naturally, not wanting him to hate it from the get-go, I gave the advice to remain open to enjoying the new opportunities. It got me thinking... I remember quite distinctly how exciting the beginning of freshman year was, at least in retrospect. Everything was new and big and different. Classes were more interesting. There were countless new people to meet. The school had new traditions to learn. In advising my friend to be optimistic about high school. I realized that I needed to follow my own advice. In many ways, the same message was being thrown at me again and again.

So now I have a philosophy when it comes to moving in to the dorms, going through orientation programs, starting classes. Sure, everything is new and a bit scary, but it's like that for a lot of freshmen. It's okay for it to be "terrifying," as MacLean reminded me; I just need to look for the parts to enjoy, as I reminded myself. Keeping this in mind, I see my whole nervous attitude change to something better: I can't wait to see my room, meet people, experience the line-up of opportunities we have in the first weekend, start classes... all that!

With that said, I hope to blog a lot about this coming weekend. I'll tell you how my move-in goes, what events I attend, and try to share stories of friends as well. I want to ask you how you feel about starting college (or how do you remember feeling)? Did you have an AHA moment like this one I experienced, or were you always looking forward to it? Any advice for move-in day?

Cheers :)

This blog is sponsored by the CU Book Store.


Anonymous said...

I'm incredibly excited to move in tomorrow... my aha! moment was in sort of an opposite tone of yours - I only just recently remembered I actually have to go to class! That being said, I'm still raelly looking forward to it. :) I can't wait to be in beautiful Boulder and hanging out with such amazing people.

See you soon!

Gray Overcast said...

I am extremely shy so as much as I was excited about my classes I was fearful about meeting new people. I just remembered looking back, that there was a guy on the first day that went and knocked on all of the doors introducing himself. He was my first friend. Lived right across the hall from me. My roommate was a senior so she filled me in on some things she learned while being at the school. She had only been there a couple years since she was a transfer student.

I remember getting lots of help from all the years in my major as well. Everyone (for the most part) was friendly and very helpful.

It was just interesting and fun!