Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Catching up: apologies for disappearing!

It has been quite a while since I've written about my experiences in college, and for that, I apologize. Quite honestly, this is because I have been positively knee-deep in the whole experience. First I was busy adjusting, then I got sick, and then I was recovering sick and feeling the normal college-student business. But I am back now and even more dedicated to updating this site regularly. I've got a bunch of ideas, but if there's anything YOU, the mysterious reader, would like to read, please let me know.

I knew it would happen, the first dreaded immune system failure of the fall. Between the tradition I seem to have of getting sick in the middle of September, and the abundance of nasty little germs flying around campus, I got knocked down by a cold. I was hoping I wouldn't go down quite so hard, but I am glad it wasn't swine flu, although the prevalence of that illness on campus now seems to finally be lessening.

And then there was last week, and whew, what a week it was. Though I didn't have any formally labeled "midterms," I did have two exams and several big assignments. And perhaps it was just the fact that everyone else had a similar burden, but the week seemed exceptionally stressful.

Which leads us to now, the beginning of October. Can you believe it? Not only are we six weeks through the semester (!!) but it is formally the fall season. And, in keeping with the odd weather I've seen all year in Boulder, the fall can't seem to decide how mild to be. There was that one week of cold, days that seemed like they could be a warm version of December rather than a cool anomaly in September. Then there was the wind, the few rainy days, and a few 80 degrees days here and there. It seems the season is keeping with the Boulder tradition: "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes."

There have been moments in the past few weeks when I've wanted to simply stay in my dorm room in PJs (or even more drastic, just go and stay home), and then there were days when the sky was extra blue, classes were extra interesting, and everything seemed fresh and exciting. In a lot of ways, I suppose, college still seems surreal. And yet, at the same time, completely normal, just part of the progression of growing up. Whatever it is, it's part of my life now, which is why I struggle whenever someone says "what do you think of college?" I think it's just like the rest of life: it's got good moments and bad, new experiences and familiarity, fascinating lessons and frustrating homework.

Anyway, now that I have this entry out of the way, I'll be posting again very soon about a variety of topics I've come across recently. Keep checking back!

Cheers :)

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